Reading Room Rules Skip to main content

Reading Room Rules

Rules governing the use of materials in the BYU–Hawaii University Archives have been established to help researchers and to provide long-term access to and protection of rare, fragile, and/or unique materials. Preserving these irreplaceable materials for future generations is a responsibility shared by archives staff and researchers

    • All personal property (including backpacks, briefcases, bags, and other containers) must be stored in free lockers located outside of the Reading Room. Researchers must remove all personal belongings from the lockers at the end of the day.
    • Food, beverages (including water), and chewing gum are not allowed.
    • Researchers must complete the Archives Request Form and agree to the Rules for Materials Use prior to using the materials in the collection.
    • Notes may be taken in pencil only! No pens, markers, or ink-based writing utensils may be brought into or used in the Reading Room.
    • Do not lean on, fold, trace, or make or remove marks on any archival or manuscript materials. Keep the materials in their original order within the folder.
    • If there is any sign of damage to materials, please inform the staff.
    • No audible equipment may be used in the Reading Room. Cell phones must be switched to silent mode, and patrons should refrain from making or receiving phone calls while in the Reading Room.
    • Cotton gloves may be required to handle some materials, especially unprotected photographic materials. Gloves will be provided.
    • Ask the University Archives staff regarding duplications. Copies and scans are made by University Archives staff only. A Duplication Request Form will need to be filled out. Reproductions are made within the limits of applicable United States law and only when such action will not harm materials. Cameras without the flash may be used after staff approval.
    • Permission to publish, wholly or in part, from manuscript collections or photographs or to broadcast or perform for profit any recording or videotape, other than fair use excerpts as specified in the copyright law, must be sought in writing from the University Archives. Researchers are responsible for securing permission to publish from materials under copyright.
      • Use the full name of the collection and of the institution as the source of manuscripts or photographs used in published or unpublished works.
      • If materials from the University Archives should become a significant resource for a publication, we request that a copy of the published work be presented to the University Archives.
    • All archival materials must be used onsite in the Reading Room under supervision. No materials whatsoever may be removed from the Reading Room – no exceptions! University Archives staff reserve the right to examine all personal materials removed from the Reading Room by researchers.
    1. Meet with a member of the University Archives staff, and explain what you are looking for.
    2. Sign into the Patron Log, and give your photo ID to the University Archives staff.
    3. Take a locker key and place your personal belongings in the corresponding locker at the end of the hall.
    4. Fill out the University Archives Request Form and agree to the Rules for Materials Use.
    5. Use the Finding Aids to locate materials you wish to examine.
      1. You or the University Archives staff will add this information to the University Archives Request Form.
    6. The University Archives staff will bring materials to you, one folder at a time.
      1. Handle the materials with utmost care, as described in the Reading Room Rules, leaving them in their original order in the folder.
      2. You will be under supervision by the University Archives staff and two security cameras located in the Reading Room.
    7. When you are finished with the folder, return it to the University Archives staff and they will give you the next folder.
    8. When you are done for the day:
      1. Return the last folder to the University Archives staff.
      2. Sign out of the Patron Log.
      3. Retrieve your photo ID
      4. Retrieve your personal belongings from your locker and return the locker key to the University Archives staff.