Faculty and special instructors or their assistants may check out library-owned DVDs from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 5 pm from Access & Collection Services in JSF 140, past the stairwell to the University Archives, where the DVDs are temporarily housed. Instructors should bring a BYU–Hawaii ID or send a note with an assistant so the DVD can be checked out under the instructor's name.
The loan period for these DVDs is now one week. DVDs will not be loaned to students as it may interfere with classroom use. DVD delivery services to classrooms or offices are currently not available.
DVDs that have been in circulation since 2021 are now called "Reserves – 7 Day Loan." DVDs not used in the past few years are still available for use. All library DVDs are discoverable through the library homepage, either listed as collection "Reserves – 7 Day Loan" (new name and loan period) or collection "Media Services – DVD Collection" (old name and three-hour loan period). Instructors interested in streaming a film can email Access & Collection Services about availability.